Tuesday, February 25, 2014

      Who knew we were causing all of these ailments in ourselves?  When we thought we were making the better choice, by choosing diet soda, or not using real sugar, we find out we were wrong.
Another reason we can not believe all the marking and advertising that goes on with these products.
I saw a commercial for Splenda the other day, and you would think by the way it was advertised that Splenda is one of the healthy, natural choice.  When in fact, it is one of the deadliest.
     When we are shopping, we have to remember to read labels.  If there is some thing you can not pronounce, or more than five ingredients listed, the product is more than likely made with dangerous toxins and chemicals.  Think before you buy.   Educate yourself.  And know, big business has one goal in mind, and it is not to keep us healthy, it is for profit. Period.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Water, it keeps us going!

     Our body is made up of 60% water. Do not forget to stay hydrated throughout your day. 
You will have better mental focus, better physical performance, less joint pain, and fewer illnesses.
Did you drinking water has been proven to decrease your chances of Alzheimer's disease and dementia?  Other reason to drink water.

     If you do not like the taste of water, like my husband, Eddie, you can add flavoring to make the taste mor appealing.  Try and stay away from products with aspertane and other artificial ingredients.  I just picked up a water pitcher with three infuser included.  One for tea, one for flavor, and one for chilling.  I got it at Bed, Bath, and Beyond for $29. I had a 20%off so I saved $6...

Take water breaks during the day and notice how much better your day is. Happy sipping

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

     All it takes is 15minutes in the morning to pack a quick lunch or at least a snack.
You will be happy you did on those hectic, crazy days when you don't have five minutes to look at a to go menu. Let alone wait for everyone else to decide where they are going, what they want, and who is going to go get it.  As you watch the few precious minutes you had before your next client tick away.
     That 15minutes will keep you from unhealthy choices.  You will feel much better at the end of a long day, when you had an apple and a handful of almonds, over that snickers bar.
     Make a commitment to pack your lunch every Wednesday and make note of how you feel Wednesday night compared to the other nights on the week.

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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A couple of tips to start doing today towards better stylist health.

     We do not give our feet much thought, until the end of the day.  We can barely make it to our car, and cannot believe we forgot to bring another pair of shoes.  At least it was a good day.

     If you wore heels to work today, try wearing flats tomorrow.  Not only will your feet thank you, but your calves, knees, hips, and lower back will be singing your praises as well.